Eat Responsibly!

Why is partybar important?


    Alcohol is most quickly absorbed by the small intestine. The longer alcohol stays in the stomach, the slower it is absorbed and the slower it affects the body. Food prevents alcohol from passing quickly into your small intestine. When there is food in your stomach before drinking, alcohol is absorbed more slowly.


    Eating before, or during the course of drinking, slows the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into a person's body. This decrease in absorption means less alcohol enters the bloodstream, as compared to the situation when no food is eaten. Less alcohol entering the bloodstream results in a lower blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”).


    Dr Keith Grimes, a GP for online doctor service Babylon Health, explains that when someone drinks alcohol, it is absorbed into the blood stream from the small intestine – the part of the bowel that starts where the stomach ends.

    “About 80% of the absorption of alcohol happens here, and it happens quickly,” he says. “The stomach plays an important role in determining how quickly alcohol makes it into the small intestine.”

    If your stomach is empty, this happens faster. But if your stomach is full of delicious grub, alcohol enters your bloodstream more slowly – and generally more safely.


    Nothing will speed up the process – not coffee, a shower, bread. It takes roughly one hour for a person to metabolize one standard drink of alcohol.

    Eating before a night of drinking is a good thing…here’s why:

    - Alcohol gets into the bloodstream through your stomach, so the less that’s in there, the quicker it is going to get to you. You want food in your stomach to slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Take note: not greasy, unhealthy food – that will lead to acid reflux making you feel worse!

    - Drinking on an empty stomach gets you drunk faster, often to dangerous levels. To college students, this may sound great, but while it shoots your BAC up fast, it also leads to a quick crash. Moreover, drinking before you’ve eaten can take a toll on your liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system and digestive track.

So what is party bar you ask? We are a snack bar


We use superfoods in our Ingredients

In fact, we use other ingredients as well, because we want it to taste good too!


What People Are Saying


“My name is Rod and I like to party”

— Rod

“My name is Dave and I like to party.”

— dave